2022-MAY-22 Sunday
[The Essence of Hong Kong Parliament Canada]
~ Contributed by the HandFoot 手足 of Liberate Hong Kong Square
Strategies & Tactics:
The song “Glory to Hong Kong” composed in 2019 during the “2019 Anti-Extradition Law Amendment Bill Movement” is well known amongst Hongkongers 香港人 and HandFoot 手足, unless you are not one of us.
It is highly likely for Hong Kong, after her establishment as an independent sovereign state, and is recognized as an independent actor by the international community, the song “Glory to Hong Kong” shall become the National Anthem of Hong Kong.
The future National Anthem of Hong Kong must be decided by the People of Hong Kong via voting.
The future National Anthem of Hong Kong must NOT be decided by just the Delegates of the Hong Kong Parliament.
The people must clearly know the Power Belongs To The People.
Important issues must be decided by the people via voting.
The HandFoot 手足 of Liberate Hong Kong Square shall continue to voice our Strategies & Tactics to advocate for the well being of Hongkongers 香港人, and HandFoot 手足, and the People of Hong Kong, with a sense of family and unity of love and care colloquially referred to as 獅子山下精神 The Spirit of Lion Rock or The Spirit of Hong Kong.
Original Chinese as follows;
〈香港議會必要性〉 ~ 光復香港廣場手足 出謀獻策
1. 我願榮光歸香港呢首喺 2019 (反送中)革命 期間出現嘅革命歌, 直至今日, 係香港手足都識唱, 除非你唔係手足。
所以香港建國之後, 呢首我願榮光歸香港, 將極有可能成為我香港國歌!
而未來香港國歌, 務必要公投而產生, 絕不贊成由議員去投票決定。
大家要清楚知道 主權在民, 有啲重要嘅決定, 係要以 (人民) 公投去決定。
喺未來一段長時間, 光復香港廣場手足, 會繼續出謀獻策, 「為港為民 發揮獅子山下精神」。