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2023-JAN-04 Wednesday ~ Send via WhatsApp

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2023-JAN-04 Wednesday ~ Send via WhatsApp


Hello Baggio (Elmer and Victor),

Baggio I saw your video on Facebook ~

If is very hard to start your new thing and be successful without explaining clearly what happened, as your supporters will always have a question mark in their mind.

I suggest Baggio (and Elmer and Victor), the three of you appear on Victor’s show tomorrow Thursday 2023-JAN-05 袁何談天54 and have a conversation;

1 ~ talk about why you left Hong Kong Parliament 香港議會.

2 ~ talk about your plans and effort for HongKongers’ future; by yourself, or with other organizations, e.g. Hong Kong Liberation Coalition (HKLC), etc…

I look forward to seeing you on air tomorrow.


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