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Baggio website 2023-JAN-05 ~ 2023-FEB-01

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Baggio website 2023-JAN-05


The people whom I have met on the Hong Kong Parliament Electoral Organizing Committee (HKPEOC) are competent and have the heart to serve Hongkongers.

Baggio leaving HK Parliament cast a shadow of doubt on HK Parliament, led to speculation that HK Parliament had issues which could not be resolved privately.

Elmer needs to fix this situation and invite Baggio back to HK Parliament.

Whatever happened to make Baggio leave, I am not interested; for when Baggio comes back, it means those issues have been resolved privately.

Baggio is a political icon in the hearts and minds of Hongkongers and his talents should not be wasted.

Baggio was elected by Hongkongers to the Legislative Council of Hong Kong as a member for New Territories East in the 2016 Hong Kong Legislative Council election receiving 37,997 votes.

Having Baggio in HK Parliament to serve Hongkongers is an asset.

Baggio’s presence in HK Parliament gives credibility to HK Parliament.

Baggio can best serve Hongkongers in the following three positions;

1 ~ Senator for Hong Kong Parliament, or HKP Senator, to decide on action/legislation which aids Hongkongers

2 ~ Board-of-Advisors, to advise HKP Senators

3 ~ Board-of-Directors, to run the HKP organization

Elmer, get Baggio back on the HK Parliament bandwagon, and this time give him responsibilities that utilizes his gifts & talents.

Jeff Tam, Toronto, Canada

Sixtus “Baggio” Leung Chung-hang 梁頌恆 巴治奥

Credit To The Original Author:
全球公共衛生響警鐘 中共停報數據 世衛不滿|新變種XBB.1.5肆虐 歐盟檢疫大陸客|中港通關市民臨深淵|香港議會與海外港人社群關係[袁何談天54‧袁弓夷政經評論聯合廣播]20230105
廣傳媒Media Analytica
103K subscribers
Streamed live on Jan 5, 2023

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