Never cast your vote based on ethnicity of the candidates alone!
by Bob Mok
Once again, the Ontario municipal elections are upon us.
The voting day is Oct 24, 2022, when Ontarians will elect their representatives for the 444 municipalities.
4年一度的安省市政選舉即將舉行。投票日是 2022 年 10 月 24 日,屆時安省選民將決定誰是 444 個城市的政治代表。
4年一度的安省市政选举即将举行。投票日是 2022 年 10 月 24 日,届时安省选民将决定谁是 444 个城市的政治代表。
While municipality politics are supposedly non-partisan, we will be naïve if we believe in that. Municipal governments are breeding and nurturing grounds for political parties, much like kindergartens. Many school trustees, councillors and their administrative assistants will graduate some day and move up the ladder into larger political arenas.
The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has not lost sight of that strategy. CCP has a long-term goal to elect its politicians in all three levels of the Canadian government to hijack the voices of Chinese diasporas in Canada and speak for CCP political agendas upon its demand.
CCP’s shell organizations in Canada channel funds to political candidates born in China, or those Chinese politicians that has proven records of supporting CCP agendas. This infiltration has been accelerating over the last few elections, with the goal to elect candidates who are born in China that can articulate themselves in the English language.
I believe that there is now an attempt to elect what the CCP would claim to be “the first mayor or deputy mayor” in Chinese dominated municipalities. While there are no front running “Huaren” (ethnic Chinese) mayoral candidates in this year’s elections, there are two that may become “Deputy Mayors” through capturing the most votes as York Regional Councillors within the cities of Richmond Hill and Markham. If successful in one or both, it will be a major score for the CCP overseas propaganda machine. For sure, Beijing’s goal of electing the “First Ethnic Chinese Mayor” will have to wait at least another 4 years.
Technically, CCP will accomplished nothing with their project! There were two elected ethnic Chinese mayors in Canadian history. Peter Wing served as Mayor of Kamloops for three terms starting in 1966. Peter Wong also served three terms as Mayor of Sudbury from 1982. The idea of electing Ethnic Chinese as mayors to galvanize the Chinese diaspora and rally them to cling onto their motherland’s coattails for national pride is simply an illusive trick. For ethnic Chinese Canadians to believe in that ideology and assisting in that effort using their votes will be tantamount to acting as lemmings running blindly towards a cliff.
從技術上講,中共的努力很難達到目的!加拿大歷史上曾有過兩位華裔市長。 Peter Wing 從 1966 年開始擔任三屆坎盧普斯市長。從 1982 年起,Peter Wong 擔任了三屆薩德伯里市長。選舉華裔擔任市長是為了激勵僑民為祖國而自豪的做法完全是個夢想。對於華裔加拿大人來說,相信那種意識形態並為這個目標而奮鬥,無異於閉著眼睛跳懸崖。
从技术上讲,中共的努力很难达到目的!加拿大历史上曾有过两位华裔市长。 Peter Wing 从 1966 年开始担任三届坎卢普斯市长。从 1982 年起,Peter Wong 担任了三届萨德伯里市长。选举华裔担任市长是为了激励侨民为祖国而自豪的做法完全是个梦想。对于华裔加拿大人来说,相信那种意识形态并为这个目标而奋斗,无异于闭着眼睛跳悬崖。
Politicians are supposed to serve constituents of all ethnicities and not just those from their own “motherland.” Canada is a country that embraces multiculturalism and to compartmentalize services to groups is running against that principle.
For the coming election, we choose a candidate that will best serve the community, not one of our own ethnicities. Casting your vote based on a singular attribute is unfair to yourself and all others living in your community.