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Hong Kong Parliament 香港議會 got picked up by 芒向編輯部 MangoDirections (BLUE camp) a YouTube Channel from Hong Kong on 2022-DEC-14

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香港議會 被傳開了 😇
Hong Kong Parliament is preached 😇

Hong Kong Parliament 香港議會 got picked up by 芒向編輯部 MangoDirections (BLUE camp) a YouTube Channel from Hong Kong on 2022-DEC-14

Hong Kong Parliament 香港議會 got picked up by 芒向編輯部 MangoDirections (BLUE camp) a YouTube Channel from Hong Kong on 2022-DEC-14

The two hosts 許留山 (台灣) from Taiwan and 義德臺仰 (新西蘭) from New Zealand put up a very entertaining political satire on Hong Kong Parliament 香港議會 for more than 16-minutes.

Xi Jinping Supporters should continue to talk about Hong Kong Parliament 香港議會 and promote Hong Kong Parliament 香港議會 on YouTube and social media.

Xi Jinping should support Hong Kong Parliament 香港議會 to bring Universal Suffrage one-person-one-vote to the people of Hong Kong, and to the people of mainland China.

20221214N 癲黃之王袁弓夷「香港議會」宣傳新攻勢,加拿大風雪下一個「易拉架」議會威力有幾強大?
220K subscribers
Dec 14, 2022

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