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Hong Kong Parliament online Update ~ 2023-JAN-12

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Hong Kong Parliament online Update ~ 2023-JAN-12

The Hong Kong Parliament Electoral Organizing Committee (HKPEOC) is very close to finding a secure way for Hongkongers to vote.

The timeline for the Election is now February 2023.

The Hong Kong Parliament Electoral Organizing Committee (HKPEOC) made a grave mistake in April/May 2022 by declaring all Electoral Organizing Committee (EOC) members CANNOT run for Office in Hong Kong Parliament.

I repeat, that is a grave mistake and should be corrected immediately.

The correct way for the Hong Kong Parliament Electoral Organizing Committee (HKPEOC) to proceed is to change the rule and allow all Electoral Organizing Committee (EOC) members to run for Office in the Hong Kong Parliament.

Baggio is a political icon in the hearts and minds of Hongkongers and his talent should not be wasted.

Having Baggio as a “Senator” of Hong Kong Parliament to serve Hongkongers is an asset.

I encourage Baggio to run for Office in Hong Kong Parliament.

Baggio can best serve Hongkongers in the following three positions;
1 ~ Senator for Hong Kong Parliament
2 ~ Board-of-Advisors, to advise HKP Senators
3 ~ Board-of-Directors, to run the HK Parliament organization

Elmer, Johnny, Steven, Victor can best serve Hongkongers in the following two positions;
1 ~ Board-of-Advisors, to advise HKP Senators
2 ~ Board-of-Directors, to run the HK Parliament organization

英相就黎智英案發聲 反對中共侵害港人自由|黎已成人礦 勢被北京交換利益|英美落手落腳捍衛東方之珠?|香港議會如何實踐一人一票?[袁何談天55‧袁弓夷政經評論聯合廣播]20230112
廣傳媒Media Analytica
103K subscribers
Streamed live 2 hours ago

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