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Hong Kong Parliament 香港議會 袁弓夷 何良懋 ~ 香港獨立 Independence 香港自治運動 Autonomy Movement ~ 2022-APR-27-JUL-27

港人匯坊 Aus-Hong Kong Connex ~ 2023-FEB-21


Bonnie Chan was the Best Speaker at this event, for she represented the younger generation of Hongkongers.

袁弓夷、錢志健、林松等人出席香港議會的可行性研討會 | 英國鄭文傑因急性疾病入院無法與會 | 澳洲港人匯坊主辦
Sunday, February 19, 2023 (AEDT)

I was expecting the organizer to post something after their event, but so far there is non.

It is not easy to host an event, and overall I think they put on a good show.

The audio was bad, and I quickly lost interest because I could not hear the speakers well.

Below are the links to the YouTube videos, and I recommend against wasting hours and hours of your time watching those videos.

Instead, just watch Victor and Elmer’s upcoming regular weekly hour on the Hong Kong Parliament this Thursday 2023-FEB-23 for I am sure Elmer will give us a summary of what happened.

多倫多光復香港廣場多名手足於此呼籲香港議會籌委會,必須立即公開成員身分,此事刻不容緩。 ~ 2023-FEB-16

Quote 光復香港廣場:



我們認為籌委會分處世界各地的成員一直不公開身分,是其中一個原因。(please note major change in wording here)



如果沒有光復香港廣場手足在公眾地方,也就是在google也可以找得到的光復香港廣場(Liberate Hong Kong Square)公開支持成立香港議會,於多倫多在地又有誰會議論香港議會?














議論不足,怎能成勢!因為籌委會成員不見影蹤。籌委會諸位成員現在仍不正視未能成功造勢的問題,我們為香港議會成立之事堪憂。(please note change here)



Hong Kong Parliament Online Update ~ 2023-FEB-02

2023-FEB-02 ~ Elmer Victor


You and I are most concerned regarding the security of the Hong Kong Parliament election voting system.

Until Hongkongers feel confident not one shall vote

Elmer has focused on analyzing a few technologies in the past year;

1 ~ Verification of the Voter with Online systems

How to achieve through an online system the ability to verify the Voter as a qualified Hongkonger?

Elmer is trying to apply knowledge from other online systems, e.g. real-estate online buying/selling transactions

Using online notaries (notary public) to verify the identity of the voter.

2 ~ Using Virtual Private Networks (VPN’s) to mask your IP Address

Hopefully stopping the Communist Party of China from tracking down voters’ physical location in Hong Kong, and worldwide.

Elmer hopes to setup an Online Hotline to answer your enquires, staffed by people from the Hong Kong Parliament Electoral Organizing Committee (HKPEOC) who are more reputable and known to the public, i.e. people whom you can trust.

So that Hongkongers can logon to Elmer’s website and register as a qualified voter.

At this point, Elmer defines a qualified voter as a person born in Hong Kong, as a person who has lived in Hong Kong for seven-years, the youngest age 16 or 18 has not been decided yet.
The HKPEOC shall determine the specifics.
It appears Elmer desires to cast the widest net allowing more legitimate Hongkongers to become qualified voters.

3 ~ Unique Voter Identification (UVI)
After the online notary has verified that a Hongkonger is qualified to vote, that Hongkonger shall be given a Unique Voter Identification (UVI).

The UVI can be a sequence or number,

4 ~ The specific steps to vote online are:
Based on Elmer’s information, most likely a website, you shall go online using your own VPN to the website, to ask questions, to register as a qualified voter to get your UVI, and to cast your vote.

5 ~ Elmer does not like the idea of selecting a few popular or famous or elite Hongkongers from each country, to form an organization.
Elmer desires to involve as many Hongkongers as possible through the election process of one-HKer-one-vote to elect representatives/HKP Senators to represent Hongkongers.

6 ~ Elmer desires to retain no personal information of the voter on his system, so that, the voter’s personal safety is protected to the maximum.

An example would be NOT keeping a person’s email-address in the Hong Kong Parliament’s database.

Another example, should a person in Hong Kong be detained by the Chinese police for questioning, and the Hongkonger’s cellular phone is examined by the Chinese police, it is important no information on the Hongkonger’s cellular phone, no record of voting, can be used by the Chinese police to prosecute that Hongkonger.

7 ~ Elmer says progress has been made, and the large group of people in the HKPEOC are beginning to reach a consensus.

8 ~ You are encouraged to email Elmer with your ideas.


一人一票 公投自決
One HKer One Vote
Hongkonger Add Oil 香港人加油 🖐☝️💪⛽️

Jeff Tam, Toronto, Canada

胡鑫宇疑被自殺|習近平訪莫斯科會普京 擺明撐俄侵烏|中俄關係更緊密 中美難修好|俄烏戰果攸關地緣政治布局 台灣成兵家必爭地|香港議會籌委會的國際游説策略|袁何談天‧袁弓夷政經評論聯合廣播 02/02
廣傳媒Media Analytica
103K subscribers
Streamed live on Feb 2, 2023

Baggio website 2023-JAN-05 ~ 2023-FEB-01


The people whom I have met on the Hong Kong Parliament Electoral Organizing Committee (HKPEOC) are competent and have the heart to serve Hongkongers.

Baggio leaving HK Parliament cast a shadow of doubt on HK Parliament, led to speculation that HK Parliament had issues which could not be resolved privately.

Elmer needs to fix this situation and invite Baggio back to HK Parliament.

Whatever happened to make Baggio leave, I am not interested; for when Baggio comes back, it means those issues have been resolved privately.

Baggio is a political icon in the hearts and minds of Hongkongers and his talents should not be wasted.

Baggio was elected by Hongkongers to the Legislative Council of Hong Kong as a member for New Territories East in the 2016 Hong Kong Legislative Council election receiving 37,997 votes.

Having Baggio in HK Parliament to serve Hongkongers is an asset.

Baggio’s presence in HK Parliament gives credibility to HK Parliament.

Baggio can best serve Hongkongers in the following three positions;

1 ~ Senator for Hong Kong Parliament, or HKP Senator, to decide on action/legislation which aids Hongkongers

2 ~ Board-of-Advisors, to advise HKP Senators

3 ~ Board-of-Directors, to run the HKP organization

Elmer, get Baggio back on the HK Parliament bandwagon, and this time give him responsibilities that utilizes his gifts & talents.

Jeff Tam, Toronto, Canada

【世界香港】香港前大律師 現正主導「香港議會」 豁出去 爭取什麼? (錢志健 x Johnny Fok) ~

【世界香港】「香港議會」接棒人 香港前大律師 若武統台灣 香港有難 受台灣企業家曹興誠啟發 不懼強權 憑信念 着避彈衣擋子彈 (Johnny Fok x 錢志健) ~

AHKC 港人匯坊將於2月19日舉行一場「香港出路」會議

AHKC 港人匯坊將於2月19日舉行一場「香港出路」會議,
香港人可親自來會場參加,或者網上參與 (by Google Meet)。
詳情請掃描 QR code查看及到 Eventbrite 訂票。


More details 👇

Thanks to our speakers:
Elmer Yuen 袁弓夷 袁爸爸
Dr LIN Bin’s Team 林松博士團隊
Simon Cheng 鄭文傑
Edward Chin 錢志健
Hong Konger Protection Against Chinese Expansion


January 20, 2023 by Jeff Tam, Toronto, Canada

Too proud to ask for help?


Or unwilling to pay money to hire decent help?


The Hong Kong Parliament Electoral Organizing Committee 香港議會籌委會 (HKPEOC) desperately need your help to improve the quality of their website

香港議會選舉籌備委員會 (HKPEOC) 迫切需要您的幫助,以提高其網站 的質素。

If you recently came to Canada from Hong Kong and know how to properly do websites, then I urgently appeal to you to contact the members of the HKPEOC and offer your talent to help them fix their website, especially their new “Forum”.

如果你最近從香港來到加拿大,並且知道如何正確地做網站,那麼我迫切呼籲你聯繫 HKPEOC 的成員,並提供你的才能來幫助他們修復他們的網站,特別是他們新的“論壇”。

Please teach them how to add a “Spam Filter”.


Please also do it free of charge, or Elmer will put you down in his next YouTube video the way he put me down yesterday.

也請免費這樣做,否則 Elmer 會在他的下一個 YouTube 影片中讓你失望,就像他昨天讓我失望的方式一樣。

Hongkonger Add Oil 香港人加油 🖐☝️💪⛽️

Jeff Tam, Toronto, Canada

January 19, 2023 at 6:30 pm by 光復香港廣場手足

本週思考(Week 1):

本週思考(Week 2):

本週思考(Week 3):

本週思考(Week 4):

本週思考(Week 5):

本週思考(Week 6):
探討民主,必須同時認識何謂公民。公民不等同於人民,人民是泛指在一國一地範圍內生活的人,公民指的是在民主國家內擁有民權 (civil rights) 和政治權利 (political rights) 的人。

本週思考(Week 7):
古今中外,統治者憑甚麼來統治人民呢?有崇尚槍桿子以武力來鎮服人民,使之屈從接受;有貴族階級以神權來控制人民,使之認命;有君王以王權來操控人民,自為子民;有以民主政治來維繫國家與人民 (公民) 之間的權利和義務的關係。

本週思考(Week 8):

本週思考(Week 9):
選舉發揮了授權的作用,合法地賦予政府的管治權 (公權力) ;選舉發揮了更換的作用,可以和平地依循制度去更換政府;選舉亦發揮了監督的作用,政府官員為了避免不體面交出權力,必須向選民負責。為了實現上述議會的功能,必須透過有志從政、議政者候選參與,同時得到選民的投票參與。

本週思考(Week 10):

本週思考(Week 11):

本週思考(Week 12):
基督徒唸的「主禱文」中,那第三句和第四句這樣說: 「願祢的旨意行在地上,如同行在天上」。


Hong Kong Parliament online Update ~ 2023-JAN-19


Jeff Tam, Toronto, Canada

Hong Kong Parliament

林鄭月娥無緣政協副主席 引猜測|任內表現哪些最可能是致命傷 會否遭政治清算|香港議會籌委會沒開闢加拿大網站![袁何談天56‧袁弓夷政經評論聯合廣播]20230119
廣傳媒Media Analytica
103K subscribers
Streamed live 4 hours ago





Notice 2023-JAN-18 ~ 香港議會籌委會【沒有】開闢加拿大網站


香港11pm 、溫哥華及美西7am PST、美東及多倫多10am EST

Jeff Tam, Toronto, Canada

Hong Kong Parliament

Hong Kong Parliament online Update ~ 2023-JAN-12

Hong Kong Parliament online Update ~ 2023-JAN-12

The Hong Kong Parliament Electoral Organizing Committee (HKPEOC) is very close to finding a secure way for Hongkongers to vote.

The timeline for the Election is now February 2023.

The Hong Kong Parliament Electoral Organizing Committee (HKPEOC) made a grave mistake in April/May 2022 by declaring all Electoral Organizing Committee (EOC) members CANNOT run for Office in Hong Kong Parliament.

I repeat, that is a grave mistake and should be corrected immediately.

The correct way for the Hong Kong Parliament Electoral Organizing Committee (HKPEOC) to proceed is to change the rule and allow all Electoral Organizing Committee (EOC) members to run for Office in the Hong Kong Parliament.

Baggio is a political icon in the hearts and minds of Hongkongers and his talent should not be wasted.

Having Baggio as a “Senator” of Hong Kong Parliament to serve Hongkongers is an asset.

I encourage Baggio to run for Office in Hong Kong Parliament.

Baggio can best serve Hongkongers in the following three positions;
1 ~ Senator for Hong Kong Parliament
2 ~ Board-of-Advisors, to advise HKP Senators
3 ~ Board-of-Directors, to run the HK Parliament organization

Elmer, Johnny, Steven, Victor can best serve Hongkongers in the following two positions;
1 ~ Board-of-Advisors, to advise HKP Senators
2 ~ Board-of-Directors, to run the HK Parliament organization

英相就黎智英案發聲 反對中共侵害港人自由|黎已成人礦 勢被北京交換利益|英美落手落腳捍衛東方之珠?|香港議會如何實踐一人一票?[袁何談天55‧袁弓夷政經評論聯合廣播]20230112
廣傳媒Media Analytica
103K subscribers
Streamed live 2 hours ago

《香港議會》技術支援主席 ~ Dr. Steven Wai-Fan Tsang 曾偉藩, BSc, PhD, FASI, FCIOB, FIConstE ~ ~ 2023-JAN-11

Hong Kong Parliament 香港議會 ~ 2022-DEC-19 ~





覺得係香港人善忘所以多左人幫襯藍店?事實並非如此,愚見有四 :

一. 大部分人非政治狂熱者,未必會立場行先,大部分時間以方便/價錢/相同價錢下品質較佳優先

二. 黃圈紛爭被媒體不斷放大,失去其支持者

三. 黃店以立場先行,並未做到與其價錢相應之質素

四. 喺區選結果已經見到,至少有四成半人比較親建制






參考資料: “區議會選舉與後社運年代/”




筆者有一位朋友曾經同本人提及過,光復香港,係We need to recapture Hong Kong rather than relocate it。但係,係實際行動上,身處係世界各地嘅我地又可以點樣將行動嘅核心聚焦係香港?




要光復香港,我地必須認清我地唔能夠放棄在港港人,香港只有一個,即使我地可以在海外保留到港人cultural identity同部分次文化,但我地並不能將佢搬過去海外第二個地方稱作香港。身處異地,我地要首先積極了解在港港人需要。

係個人層面,大家要摒棄過分強調融入社會嘅心態,更唔好抱持離開左,所以「香港無我嘅事」嘅諗法。筆者所提出嘅並非呼籲各位拒絕跟隨當地生活習慣,而係融入與保存港人身分之間取得較好平衡,思維模式都能夠緊貼香港。例如以筆者所身處嘅英國社會為例,本來就是一個對多元文化非常開放,加上以前身處歐盟時鼓勵人口free movement,但係社會價值都會認同尊重文化差異,生活同文化嘅細節上都會鼓勵culturally sensitive,因為英國係擁有非常多唔同種族嘅人口。係呢個背景下,在英港人只需留意唔好將香港普遍嘅處事態度或方式加於本地人身上,或者視自己高本地人一等對所有英國社會文化加諸鄙視,同時可以保留一啲個人生活習慣,自然文化上可以同在港港人有更多想通之處,即使離開都可以明白香港處境/文化——香港本身都係一個存在多元文化,中西文化相會嘅地方,唔會睇得多too hot to handle就唔係香港人㗎嘛,係咪。

















筆者認為現階段最有能力整合各黃營人士,係以前喺香港有民意授權嘅代表,例如由流散在外嘅前立法會議員 或 一眾區議會前議員成立籌委會之議政平台。後續,(或)再舉行選舉,會較為理想及有公信力。

Hong Kong Parliament update ~ 2023-JAN-01

梁頌恆宣布退出「香港議會」 即時生效但未交代原因

梁頌恆宣布退出「香港議會」 即時生效但未交代原因


I speculate Baggio shall announce he is running for Office in Hong Kong Parliament in March 2023, therefore he is quiting the Electoral Organizing Committee (EOC) now.

Baggio is a political icon in the hearts and minds of Hongkongers and his talent should not be wasted.

Having Baggio as a “Senator” of Hong Kong Parliament to serve Hongkongers is an asset.

The Hong Kong Parliament Electoral Organizing Committee (HKPEOC) made a grave mistake in April/May 2022 by declaring all Electoral Organizing Committee (EOC) members CANNOT run for Office in Hong Kong Parliament.

I repeat, that is a grave mistake and should be corrected immediately.

The correct way for the Hong Kong Parliament Electoral Organizing Committee (HKPEOC) to proceed is to change the rule and allow all Electoral Organizing Committee (EOC) members to run for Office in the Hong Kong Parliament.

我推測梁頌恆將於 2023年3月 宣布參選香港議會“參議員”,因此他現在退出選舉籌備委員會。



香港議會選舉籌備委員會在 2022年4月/5月 犯了一個嚴重錯誤,宣布所有選舉籌備委員會成員不能競選香港議會公職。




Sixtus “Baggio” Leung Chung-hang 梁頌恆 巴治奥

I strongly encourage you to stay on.

There are major events happening in March 2023.

梁頌恆宣布退出「香港議會」 即時生效但未交代原因 ~





Hong Kong Parliament online Update ~ 香港議會代表港獨嗎?[袁何談天53‧袁弓夷政經評論聯合廣播]20221229 ~

Hong Kong Parliament online Update ~ 香港議會新官網開通 加強網友互動[袁何談天52‧袁弓夷政經評論聯合廣播]20221222 ~ ~

Hong Kong Parliament online Update ~ 2022-DEC-22

Elmer Yuen 袁弓夷 and Victor Ho 何良𢡟 on 香港議會


Last week (2022-DEC-15) I transcribed Victor and Elmer’s show,

but this week there are no significant updates worth mentioning 🤷🏻‍♂️

澤連斯基為何飛美見拜登?|俄侵烏逾300天 美承諾無限期助基輔抗戰|中共疫情失控或再禍及國際|香港議會新官網開通 加強網友互動[袁何談天52‧袁弓夷政經評論聯合廣播]20221222

If there are any updates worth sharing, I shall leave it up to Baggio to post it on the HKPEOC Facebook Page

Hong Kong Parliament online Update ~ 萬城中領走路; 答香港議會疑問。何良𢡟 袁弓夷 ~ ~ 2022-DEC-15

Hong Kong Parliament online Update ~ 2022-DEC-15

Elmer Yuen 袁弓夷 and Victor Ho 何良𢡟 on 香港議會

2022-DEC-15 ~ Hong Kong Parliament online Update
曼城中領走路; 答香港議會疑問。何良𢡟 袁弓夷 ~


China diplomats leave UK over Manchester protester attack.
Bob Chan who was attacked, is a BNO Passport holder; yet did not receive proper representation within the UK Parliament/Government, for justice to be done.
This gap can be filled by “Hong Kong Parliament” to elect Senators through Universal Suffrage one-person-one-vote to represent Hongkongers and voice their concerns (to the international community).

Within the Hong Kong Parliament Electoral Organizing Committee (HKPEOC) established on 2022-JUL-27 is a Technical Support Committee to find a secure way for Hongkongers in Hong Kong and around the world to vote.

Elmer is travelling around the world to speak to political representatives within the Five Eyes (FVEY, an intelligence alliance comprising Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, and the United States) to have them support the elected Senators of Hong Kong Parliament.

The best idea today for Hongkongers in Hong Kong and around the world to vote is;
1.0 ~ Use Online Notaries to verify their eligibility to vote and elect Senators of Hong Kong Parliament.
2.0 ~ Verified-Voters shall cast their vote to the Online Notary.
3.0 ~ The Online Notary shall forward the Vote to a selected Non-Governmental Organization (NGO).
3.1 ~ Verified-Voters alternatively can mail their vote directly to the selected Non-Governmental Organization (NGO).
4.0 ~ The selected Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) shall tally the votes, announce the results of the vote, and destroy the votes afterwards.
5.0 ~ Many selected Notaries (thousands around the world) shall be used, based on the comfort level of the individual Hongkonger/Verified-Voter, so that the Communist Party of China cannot trace back to the Hongkonger/Verified-Voter.

Elected-Senators of the Hong Kong Parliament represent the interests of Hongkongers around the world, and not just the Hongkongers in their respective geo-graphical location.
For Example,
Elected-Senators based in Canada can represent the interests of Hongkongers who immigrated to Canada.
Elected-Senators based in Canada can represent the interests of Hongkongers in other countries around the world.
Elected-Senators based in Canada can represent the interests of Hongkongers in Hong Kong.

Elected-Senators should setup a System of Government that represents the interests of Hongkongers in Hong Kong.
For the Basic Law of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China 中華人民共和國香港特別行政區基本法 created in 1990-APR-04 did not involve the entire people of Hong Kong at that time.
The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Basic Law Drafting Committee 香港特別行政區基本法起草委員會 (BLDC) formed in June 1985 involved the British side and a few selected Hong Kong legislative representatives.

Elected-Senators of the Hong Kong Parliament shall propose legislation and allow Hongkongers to vote on such legislation.

Elected-Senators of the Hong Kong Parliament shall run for re-election every four-years; Hongkongers decide who stays within the Hong Kong Parliament to serve Hongkongers.

Q: Is Hong Kong Parliament a “Hong Kong Independence 香港獨立” movement?
A: This issue is up to the Elected-Senators to propose, and for Hongkongers to vote to approve or reject.

Q: Will the complexity of the Hong Kong Parliament voting system deter Hongkongers from voting?
A: The steps are necessary to protect the identity of the voters.
A: The steps are necessary to verify the eligibility of the voters to confirm they are Hongkongers.
A: So that, Elected-Senators truly reflect the support of Hongkongers,
A: So that, Elected-Senators of the Hong Kong Parliament shall be accepted by the international community and world leaders in representing Hong Kong and wishes of Hongkongers.

Q: Are there current world leaders/countries that support the Hong Kong Parliament?
A: Elmer shall be travelling around the world to speak to political representatives within the Five Eyes (FVEY, an intelligence alliance comprising Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, and the United States) to have them support the elected Senators of Hong Kong Parliament.
A: Elmer shall be speaking to countries who believe in freedom and democracy to drum up their support.
A: Example, The Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU), Union Interparlementaire (UIP) founded in 1889 is an international organization of national parliaments; its primary purpose is to promote democratic governance, accountability, and cooperation among its members.

Q: Elected-Senators of Hong Kong Parliament are not in Hong Kong, so what can those Elected-Senators do?
A: The current system of Hong Kong is not a System of Government that represents the interests of Hongkongers in Hong Kong. The British system does not fully fit Hong Kong, and the Communist Party of China installed a system that favours the Communist Party of China.
A: For the Basic Law of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China 中華人民共和國香港特別行政區基本法 created in 1990-APR-04 did not involve the entire people of Hong Kong at that time.
The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Basic Law Drafting Committee 香港特別行政區基本法起草委員會 (BLDC) formed in June 1985 involved the British side and a few selected Hong Kong legislative representatives.

Q: Hongkongers in Hong Kong take tremendous risk to vote in the Hong Kong Parliament election?
A: Our best idea so far is to use slected Online Notaries, and a selected Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) to be decided, to count the votes.
A: Refer to above paragraphs for procedure.
A: For the sake of freedom and democracy, and because of the Communist Party of China suppressing Hongkongers, it is necessary for those procedures to be implemented, and it might involve money; yet Hongkongers who love Hong Kong should be willing to pay a small price.

Q: Age and eligibility for voting in the Hong Kong Parliament election?
A: To be decided, age 16 or age 17 is the lowest as possible; for Hongkongers age 16 and 17 have shown great action during the 2019 Hong Kong Revolution / The Anti-Extradition Law Amendment Bill Movement / 2019 Hong Kong protests / 2019–2020 Hong Kong protests.
A: Under age 18 may need approval from legal-guardian to vote.

Q: How can Hongkongers in Hong Kong vote in the Hong Kong Parliament election?
A: Our best idea so far is to use selected Online Notaries, and a selected Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) to be decided, to count the votes.
A: Refer to above paragraphs for procedure.
A: It is unlikely any lawyers physically in Hong Kong would become an Online Notary, for fear their license may be revoked by the Communist Party of China.
A: Online Notaries most likely to be physically outside Hong Kong, in other countries; the Hong Kong Parliament Electoral Organizing Committee (HKPEOC) shall publish a list likely thousands around the world when ready.

Q: If any Hongkonger can participate in the Hong Kong Parliament election, then the quality might be low?
A: There shall be a website for all candidates to list their qualifications, and online debates for Verified-Voters to decide whom to vote for.
A: Only Verified-Voters shall vote for the Senators of Hong Kong Parliament.
A: One Verified-Voter might consider a Candidate to be competent; another Verified-Voter might consider the same Candidate to be incompetent.
A: The key is Elected-Senators of Hong Kong Parliament are decided by Verified-Voters, and thus have credibility to represent Hongkongers in Hong Kong matters to the international community and world leaders.

Q: What if the Communist Party of China send spies to infiltrate the Hong Kong Parliament and manage to fake their way through the election and be elected to become Elected-Senators of Hong Kong Parliament?
A: We aim to elect “a few multiples of ten / 30+” Elected-Senators of Hong Kong Parliament representing a diverse range of political viewpoints representing Hongkongers and with those might be some Elected-Senators of Hong Kong Parliament that have a bias towards the Communist Party of China; yet those Elected-Senators of Hong Kong Parliament still represent Hongkongers and that is part of the democratic process we have to accept.
A: Therefore not all Elected-Senators of Hong Kong Parliament are YELLOW, some might be BLUE if elected fairly by Verified-Voters.
A: Cannot disqualify Candidates based on political views prior to the election for this violates the spirit of democracy.

Today 2022-DEC-15 is the first online update meeting between Elmer and Victor on the Hong Kong Parliament, the next online update is next Thursday 2022-DEC-22.
New ideas shall be developed and shared online, we know the Communist Party of China is watching, yet we should not be afraid.
We believe in transparency and shall move forward and solve problems as they arise.
Opinions expressed today are those of Elmer and Victor.
The process shall mature gradually and we hope to have the election process outlined mid-2023.


特朗普提出重選。龔小夏 袁弓夷袁爸爸 袁弓夷政經評論 ~ ~ 2022-DEC-05

特朗普提出重選。龔小夏 袁弓夷袁爸爸 袁弓夷政經評論 ~ 2022-DEC-05

Elmer Yuen 袁弓夷 and Sasha Gong 龔小夏 on 香港議會


ㄑ香港議會必要性〉 by 光復香港廣場手足

特朗普提出重選。龔小夏 袁弓夷
袁爸爸 袁弓夷政經評論
202K subscribers

Streamed live 3 hours ago


~ 人們不敢發聲支持香港議會,因為害怕被中共逮捕
~ 藍絲以「維護香港社會穩定」為藉口不反對中共,實際上也是出於「恐懼」
~ 在線公證人驗証投票資格
~ 提交給非政府組織並由非政府組織統計的選票
~ People are afraid to speak up to support HKP because people are afraid to be arrested by the CCP
~ Blue-Camp justification of not speaking up against the CCP as “maintain social stability” of Hong Kong is because Blue-Camp people are afraid to be arrested by the CCP
~ Online Notary Public to verify voting eligibility
~ Votes submitted to NGO and counted by NGO

“22min30sec ~”


~ 香港議會的活動需要資金
~ 香港議會籌委會現有財務委員會
~ 未來當選的參議員應決定籌款結構,為資助香港議會未來努力
~ Funding is required for HKP’s campaign
~ HKPEOC has existing Finance Committee
~ Future elected Senators shall decide on a fund-raising structure to fund future Hong Kong Parliament endeavors

“42min59sec ~”


~ 有其他機構支持香港議會嗎?
~ 例如,港加聯、HKDC等相當於一個政黨,而香港議會是一個政治平台。
~ 香港議會成立後,所有相當於政黨的現有組織都應競選公職,成為香港國會參議員
~ Are other organizations supporting HKP?
~ Examples: HK-Canada Link, HKDC, etc… are the equivalent of Political Parties, whereas HKP is a political platform.
~ Once HKP is setup, all existing organizations that are the equivalent of political parties should run for office positions to become Senators of Hong Kong Parliament

“51min05sec ~”

【袁弓夷 x 錢志健】香港議會最新近況 ~ ~ 2022-NOV-28

分析馬斯克停戰建議。龔小夏 袁弓夷 ~ ~ 2022-OCT-05

Wing Kwong Hong Kong Parliament 香港議會 升旗易日報 Tuesdayroad Media ( 升旗易得道新聞媒體 ) ~ 2022-OCT-05

【海外香港 174 🇨🇦】何良懋:當我這樣溫和的人也被國安法通緝,「新香港」本身就是一個大笑話 ~ 2022-AUG-13

Hong Kong Parliament 香港議會 公投自決嘅權利 Referendum on Self-Determination 香港自治 Autonomy 一人一票 Victor Ho 何良懋 ~ 2022-SEP-10

Hong Kong Parliament 香港議會 公投自決嘅權利 Referendum on Self-Determination 實體投票 Physical Voting ~ Elmer 袁弓夷 ~ 2022-AUG-31

Hong Kong Parliament 香港議會 ~ 袁爸爸 袁弓夷 Elmer Yuen in London, England ~ 2022-AUG-31

Hong Kong Parliament 香港議會 Elmer Yuen 袁爸爸 袁弓夷 Simon Cheng 鄭文傑 【8.31直播】毋忘831 倫敦London大集會|太子站事件|831三週年|

Hong Kong Parliament 香港議會 ~ 善用馬斯克星鏈Starlink 香港議會網上投票或獲技術突破 [袁何對話 EP84]20220830

Hong Kong Parliament ~ 香港議會賣港人豬仔?|搞選舉大龍鳳 分化全球Hongkongers?|如何實踐人民自決全民普選|後中共時代香港政局想像[廣傳懋論]20220828

Hong Kong Parliament 香港議會 ~ 如果黃毓民「初心未忘」,相信他會支持成立香港議會 ~ 2022-AUG-22 Monday by Leong Seang Kio

「光復香港廣場」 香港議會為甚麼非成立不可? 港版國安法為甚麼非撤銷不可? ~ Hong Kong Parliament ~ Victor Ho 何良懋 不撤港版國安法 香港無緣人民自決 ~ 2022-AUG-19

「光复香港广场」 香港议会为什么非成立不可? 港版国安法为什么非撤销不可? ~ Hong Kong Parliament ~ Victor Ho 何良懋 不撤港版国安法 香港无缘人民自决 ~ 2022-AUG-19

Ex-BC journalist and democracy activist placed on Chinese ‘wanted’ list ~ 2022-AUG-18

【梁頌恆x 錢志健】香港人大逃亡 大撤資 香港議會 ~ 2022-AUG-17

【龔小夏 x 錢志健】香港35%受訪基金公司已局部或全部撤出香港 香港議會 香港政府通緝令 未來的挑戰 ~ 2022-AUG-17

袁弓夷 談 習近平 為什麼 害怕 香港議會 ~ Elmer Yuen on why Xi Jinping is afraid of Hong Kong Parliament ~ 2022-AUG-12

Hong Kong Parliament 香港議會 ~ Simon Cheng 力撐 香港議會 網撤之前 影子議會 資料 20220809

光復香港廣場 手足 問題:

香港議會... 我想請問你...

同香港獨立有什麼分別 ?

We are building a platform for the young people to decide what to do.

香港議會 袁弓夷 袁爸爸 Elmer Yuen ~ 2022-APR-27

Hong Kong Parliament 香港議會 is an Autonomy Movement 香港自治運動 ~ 2022-JUL-27 ~ 香港台 X 香港議會[袁弓夷 X 何良懋-香港未來 ]

光復香港廣場 手足 澄清:

我支持的是 一人一票 !

Hong Kong Parliament #香港議會 Question to Victor Ho and Elmer Yuen ~ 2022-JUL-27 ~ Liberate Hong Kong Square #光復香港廣場

Hong Kong Parliament 香港議會 ~ Victor Ho Leung-Mau 何良懋 interview with 新時代電視 Fairchild TV ~ 2022-JUL-28

🔥🔥🔥728袁弓夷袁爸爸+何良懋:罕見撑港最高位!聯合國逼廢國安法查警暴 港府6300字回應蒼白無力 老共恐嚇佩洛西仲去唔去台 香港議會成立

【香港出身の民主活動家ら】独自の「香港議会」実現目指す組織発足 ~ 2022-JUL-28

代表香港人民意 香港議會籌委會在加拿大成立。7月27日,一群海外的香港人士在加拿大多倫多,成立了「香港議會選舉籌備委員會」,鼓勵全球的港人參與選舉,延續香港的民主自治。 | #新唐人新聞

代表香港人民意 香港議會籌委會在加拿大成立|@新聞精選【新唐人亞太電視】三節新聞Live直播 |20220729

香港台 X 香港議會[袁弓夷 X 何良懋-香港未來 ] ~ Jul 28, 2022

大紀元時報 7月28日 | 週四版

大紀元時報 Epoch Times

Toronto ~ 2022-JUL-28 Thursday

大紀元時報 Epoch Times

Montreal ~ 2022-JUL-28 Thursday

大紀元時報 Epoch Times

Vancouver ~ 2022-JUL-29 Friday

大紀元時報 Epoch Times

Edmonton and Calgary have different websites but the coverage for Hong Kong Parliament Press Conference is the same for Alberta province.

Edmonton ~ 2022-JUL-29 Friday

大紀元時報 Epoch Times

Edmonton and Calgary have different websites but the coverage for Hong Kong Parliament Press Conference is the same for Alberta province.

Calgary ~ 2022-JUL-29 Friday

Press Conference I Democracy rises again as citizens of Hong Kong fight back I Live with Sasha Gong ~ 2022-JUL-27

7/27記招直播 ~ 2022-JUL-27

香港議會HK Parliament籌委會 多倫多舉行國際記招|現場全程直播[特備節目]20220727

升旗易得道直播香港議會記者會2 ~ 2022-JUL-27

香港議會籌委會 7.27多倫多開記者會揭櫫人民自決|海內外港人期待一人一票選真議員[袁何對話 EP79]20220726


A clear explanation of Hong Kong Parliament

Abridged 50-minute Enhanced Audio Version

03。18 今晚港心事 - 香港台X袁弓夷 《香港議會》2022-MAR-18 enhanced audio, for educational purpose under "Fair use".

Credit To The Original Author

The original 60-minute video is here

03。18 今晚港心事 - 香港台X袁弓夷 《香港議會》

A Good Debate of two contrasting viewpoints

【錢志健 X 袁弓夷 激辯第三回】香港人如何行下去 香港人議會 誰會參選 誰來投票 可能違反國安法點樣投 世界香港論壇 亞洲金融論壇 ~ Apr 26, 2022

袁弓夷倫敦首會彭定康 論盡香港陷共25年|搞爛特區慶無可慶 習近平有何顏面君臨香港[袁何談天27]20220630

袁弓夷袁爸爸:香港主權屬誰? ~ May 21, 2022

大陸人倡民選總統設國會|有海外香港YouTuber玩內耗 閃避香港議會[袁何談天19]20220505 ~ For educational purpose under "Fair use".

袁弓夷與你討論香港的民主運動的前路如何繼續,如何破局 ~ 袁弓夷演講:香港議會民主的破局 ~ Hongkongers in Britain 英國港僑協會 ~ 2022-APR-08

香港議會 多倫多三月十二日直播 袁弓夷 龔小夏 多倫多三月十二日 Elmer Yuen Toronto 2022-MAR-12 Saturday (Enhanced Audio)

香港議會 袁弓夷 袁爸爸 Elmer Yuen Hong Kong Freedom Beacon Vancouver 網聚 2022-MAR-04 😎🤓 Video by Uncle Tim 🤩🥳

袁爸解釋 有關成立「香港議會」|袁弓夷訪多倫多宣傳香港議會[袁何對話 EP59]20220308 ~ For educational purpose under "Fair use".

袁爸爸袁弓夷:中共撐不了多久 港人要組織起來自救|#紀元英國 #EpochNewsUK ~ Apr 11, 2022

企業家袁弓夷(袁彌明爸爸)回憶遭中共迫害忍不住哽咽:財產被沒收逃來香港 母親遭關押20多年 中共搞死上海 現在利用完香港又要下狠手(字幕) ~ 2020-JUN-02
