2022-DEC-15 ~ Hong Kong Parliament online Update
曼城中領走路; 答香港議會疑問。何良𢡟 袁弓夷 ~ https://youtu.be/eqGCZUCux6I
China diplomats leave UK over Manchester protester attack.
Bob Chan who was attacked, is a BNO Passport holder; yet did not receive proper representation within the UK Parliament/Government, for justice to be done.
This gap can be filled by “Hong Kong Parliament” to elect Senators through Universal Suffrage one-person-one-vote to represent Hongkongers and voice their concerns (to the international community).
Within the Hong Kong Parliament Electoral Organizing Committee (HKPEOC) established on 2022-JUL-27 is a Technical Support Committee to find a secure way for Hongkongers in Hong Kong and around the world to vote.
Elmer is travelling around the world to speak to political representatives within the Five Eyes (FVEY, an intelligence alliance comprising Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, and the United States) to have them support the elected Senators of Hong Kong Parliament.
The best idea today for Hongkongers in Hong Kong and around the world to vote is;
1.0 ~ Use Online Notaries to verify their eligibility to vote and elect Senators of Hong Kong Parliament.
2.0 ~ Verified-Voters shall cast their vote to the Online Notary.
3.0 ~ The Online Notary shall forward the Vote to a selected Non-Governmental Organization (NGO).
3.1 ~ Verified-Voters alternatively can mail their vote directly to the selected Non-Governmental Organization (NGO).
4.0 ~ The selected Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) shall tally the votes, announce the results of the vote, and destroy the votes afterwards.
5.0 ~ Many selected Notaries (thousands around the world) shall be used, based on the comfort level of the individual Hongkonger/Verified-Voter, so that the Communist Party of China cannot trace back to the Hongkonger/Verified-Voter.
Elected-Senators of the Hong Kong Parliament represent the interests of Hongkongers around the world, and not just the Hongkongers in their respective geo-graphical location.
For Example,
Elected-Senators based in Canada can represent the interests of Hongkongers who immigrated to Canada.
Elected-Senators based in Canada can represent the interests of Hongkongers in other countries around the world.
Elected-Senators based in Canada can represent the interests of Hongkongers in Hong Kong.
Elected-Senators should setup a System of Government that represents the interests of Hongkongers in Hong Kong.
For the Basic Law of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China 中華人民共和國香港特別行政區基本法 created in 1990-APR-04 did not involve the entire people of Hong Kong at that time.
The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Basic Law Drafting Committee 香港特別行政區基本法起草委員會 (BLDC) formed in June 1985 involved the British side and a few selected Hong Kong legislative representatives.
Elected-Senators of the Hong Kong Parliament shall propose legislation and allow Hongkongers to vote on such legislation.
Elected-Senators of the Hong Kong Parliament shall run for re-election every four-years; Hongkongers decide who stays within the Hong Kong Parliament to serve Hongkongers.
Q: Is Hong Kong Parliament a “Hong Kong Independence 香港獨立” movement?
A: This issue is up to the Elected-Senators to propose, and for Hongkongers to vote to approve or reject.
Q: Will the complexity of the Hong Kong Parliament voting system deter Hongkongers from voting?
A: The steps are necessary to protect the identity of the voters.
A: The steps are necessary to verify the eligibility of the voters to confirm they are Hongkongers.
A: So that, Elected-Senators truly reflect the support of Hongkongers,
A: So that, Elected-Senators of the Hong Kong Parliament shall be accepted by the international community and world leaders in representing Hong Kong and wishes of Hongkongers.
Q: Are there current world leaders/countries that support the Hong Kong Parliament?
A: Elmer shall be travelling around the world to speak to political representatives within the Five Eyes (FVEY, an intelligence alliance comprising Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, and the United States) to have them support the elected Senators of Hong Kong Parliament.
A: Elmer shall be speaking to countries who believe in freedom and democracy to drum up their support.
A: Example, The Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU), Union Interparlementaire (UIP) founded in 1889 is an international organization of national parliaments; its primary purpose is to promote democratic governance, accountability, and cooperation among its members.
Q: Elected-Senators of Hong Kong Parliament are not in Hong Kong, so what can those Elected-Senators do?
A: The current system of Hong Kong is not a System of Government that represents the interests of Hongkongers in Hong Kong. The British system does not fully fit Hong Kong, and the Communist Party of China installed a system that favours the Communist Party of China.
A: For the Basic Law of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China 中華人民共和國香港特別行政區基本法 created in 1990-APR-04 did not involve the entire people of Hong Kong at that time.
The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Basic Law Drafting Committee 香港特別行政區基本法起草委員會 (BLDC) formed in June 1985 involved the British side and a few selected Hong Kong legislative representatives.
Q: Hongkongers in Hong Kong take tremendous risk to vote in the Hong Kong Parliament election?
A: Our best idea so far is to use slected Online Notaries, and a selected Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) to be decided, to count the votes.
A: Refer to above paragraphs for procedure.
A: For the sake of freedom and democracy, and because of the Communist Party of China suppressing Hongkongers, it is necessary for those procedures to be implemented, and it might involve money; yet Hongkongers who love Hong Kong should be willing to pay a small price.
Q: Age and eligibility for voting in the Hong Kong Parliament election?
A: To be decided, age 16 or age 17 is the lowest as possible; for Hongkongers age 16 and 17 have shown great action during the 2019 Hong Kong Revolution / The Anti-Extradition Law Amendment Bill Movement / 2019 Hong Kong protests / 2019–2020 Hong Kong protests.
A: Under age 18 may need approval from legal-guardian to vote.
Q: How can Hongkongers in Hong Kong vote in the Hong Kong Parliament election?
A: Our best idea so far is to use selected Online Notaries, and a selected Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) to be decided, to count the votes.
A: Refer to above paragraphs for procedure.
A: It is unlikely any lawyers physically in Hong Kong would become an Online Notary, for fear their license may be revoked by the Communist Party of China.
A: Online Notaries most likely to be physically outside Hong Kong, in other countries; the Hong Kong Parliament Electoral Organizing Committee (HKPEOC) shall publish a list likely thousands around the world when ready.
Q: If any Hongkonger can participate in the Hong Kong Parliament election, then the quality might be low?
A: There shall be a website for all candidates to list their qualifications, and online debates for Verified-Voters to decide whom to vote for.
A: Only Verified-Voters shall vote for the Senators of Hong Kong Parliament.
A: One Verified-Voter might consider a Candidate to be competent; another Verified-Voter might consider the same Candidate to be incompetent.
A: The key is Elected-Senators of Hong Kong Parliament are decided by Verified-Voters, and thus have credibility to represent Hongkongers in Hong Kong matters to the international community and world leaders.
Q: What if the Communist Party of China send spies to infiltrate the Hong Kong Parliament and manage to fake their way through the election and be elected to become Elected-Senators of Hong Kong Parliament?
A: We aim to elect “a few multiples of ten / 30+” Elected-Senators of Hong Kong Parliament representing a diverse range of political viewpoints representing Hongkongers and with those might be some Elected-Senators of Hong Kong Parliament that have a bias towards the Communist Party of China; yet those Elected-Senators of Hong Kong Parliament still represent Hongkongers and that is part of the democratic process we have to accept.
A: Therefore not all Elected-Senators of Hong Kong Parliament are YELLOW, some might be BLUE if elected fairly by Verified-Voters.
A: Cannot disqualify Candidates based on political views prior to the election for this violates the spirit of democracy.
Today 2022-DEC-15 is the first online update meeting between Elmer and Victor on the Hong Kong Parliament, the next online update is next Thursday 2022-DEC-22.
New ideas shall be developed and shared online, we know the Communist Party of China is watching, yet we should not be afraid.
We believe in transparency and shall move forward and solve problems as they arise.
Opinions expressed today are those of Elmer and Victor.
The process shall mature gradually and we hope to have the election process outlined mid-2023.